Thursday, December 23, 2010

Top 20 Small Business Tips For Success

These are just some general tips to keep in mind as you design/operate your small business:

1. Take the time out to explore and understand whether or not you are compatible with running our own business. Some people are just plain happier and better off financially on the other end of the paycheck.

2.Get your personal finances in order. Before you jump into the entrepreneurship world, get your own money matters squared away.

3. Pick your niche. Many small business owners succeed in businesses that are hardly unique or innovative. Take stock of your skills, interests, and employment history to select the business that is best suited for you.

4. Benefit from your business plan. The exercise of creating a business plan is what pays the dividends. Answer the tough questions now before the meter starts running.

5. Do not think you need bankers and investors at the outset of your business. The vast majority of small businesses are bootstrapped.

6. Acquire the proper background. In the early months and years of your business, you will have to acquire many skills. Gain the background you need to oversee all facets of your business well, but determine what tasks you should outsource or hire employees.

7. Remember that nothing happens until a sale is made ?How many good products go nowhere because they do not reach the shelves? Sales drive your business. You will need a good marketing plan to sell your product or service.

8. You have to see a customer to know one. N o matter how busy you are, spend at least 25% of your time with customers. You cannot make the proper business decision without understanding their viewpoint.

9. Solve your customers?problems. The best way to satisfy your customers is not by selling them products but by giving solutions to their problems. There is a big difference.

10.Quality takes minutes to lose but years to regain. Quality is not a destination, it is a never ending journey. After you have strayed from quality ‘s  path, your journey maybe sidetracked forever.

11. Put profitability first, rewards seconds. In small businesses, profitability must come first. Find out how to measure your cash flow and understand key financial ratios.

12. Hire supporters. If you intend to create a growing business, your number one duty is to assemble a great team of employees.

13. Do not do it alone. Find such help from small business peers, a mentor, even trade associations. They can help take some of the trial and error of beginning your business.
14. Vendors are partners too! Treat your vendors like customers and watch your partnership grow.

15. Make use of benefits. Understand how to provide insurance and other benefits for your employees and cut your tax bill at the same time.

16. Ignore regulatory issues at your peril. Federal, state, and local governments require licenses, registrations, and permits. Obey them or face losing your business.

17. Know the tax laws. Invest in understanding tax issues that affect your small business.

18. It is  the people! Whatever happens to a small business happens at the hands of the people who work for it. The evolution of the business is a result of their efforts.

19. Fast, good, cheap. Pick any two. Serious trouble awaits those who attempt to be all three in the market place. Stick with what you do best.

20. Develop a passion for learning. As your business grows, you need to change and grow along with it. One common denominator can be found in all successful business owners and that is a passion for learning.

Thanks- Bonny Andrew

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Why Most B2B Web Sites Don't Work

How to Use Direct Marketing Principles to Fix Your Web Site and 
Get More Qualified Leads — Immediately

The problem with so many web sites today is that they are built around an advertising model – but the wrong kind. As a result, business owners are throwing away money hand over fist when they could be pulling in tons of qualified, interested prospects and customers.

If you want your web site to capture more quality leads, this article is for you. You see, there are two types of advertising, but only one kind of web site. Unfortunately, most web site designers don’t seem to know this.
Branding vs. Direct Response
In the traditional advertising world, branding advertising is the kind you normally see on TV and in magazines. The company shows a picture (hopefully something cute that gets attention) and tells something about the product. Then, the next time you are in the store, you are supposed to remember this product among all its competitors because of the more favorable impression in your mind about this particular brand.
This is the kind of advertising for big companies with big advertising budgets and money to burn. Ad agencies love this kind of advertising for three reasons. First, there is zero accountability for the ad creators. Usually, there is no way of knowing if the advertising ‘worked.”
Second, these ads are great (for the ad agency, not the business owner) because if they don’t work, the answer is usually to “run more ads.” After all, they say, a person needs to be exposed to your ad seven times in order to create an impression. Since agencies get paid based on the amount of media bought, this works out well for them.
Finally, these are the kinds of ads that win awards. Ad agencies don’t win their industry awards based on how well the ad works, but how creative and original it is. Unfortunately, ad agency awards don’t bring in new customers or pay your bills.
Direct Response

The other type of advertising is direct response advertising. Direct response ads are completely different. First, they are 100% measurable. The ad always asks the prospect to take a specific direct action, either to buy or to request more information (and therefore become a lead). In all cases, the results of each individual ad are tracked and you know with certainty how well the ads are working.

Second, direct response ads are designed to create action on the part of the prospect. Whether the intended action is to make a purchase, request more information, buy an entry-level product, or otherwise become a lead, the only thing that matters is how many ad viewers respond.

This is exactly the same thing with a web site. In other words, the purpose of a web site is one thing and one thing only: To capture as many leads as possible as a percentage of all site visitors.
Web sites should work like direct response ads
Unfortunately, too many web sites look like they are competing for a design award – at the expense of making sales. The rest of this article will help you improve the successful response rate of your web site by looking at it from the perspective of a direct response marketer. As a result, you can start capturing more leads and making more sales – without spending another dime.
In fact, more than half the battle is in understanding the right questions to ask. “How can I make my web site better?” is not the right question. Neither is “How can I improve my design?”
On the contrary, once you start asking the right questions, you’re halfway there. We could spend a week on the fine points of headlines and calls to action and the placement of the offer on the web page. But all that is secondary to the basic philosophy of what you are trying to accomplish. Once you know what you’re trying to do, you’ll spend more time thinking about howto do it – and measuring everything you try. And your results will keep getting better and better.
So, given the fact that you want to capture more leads on your web site, what direct response techniques can you quickly implement to make that happen? Now you may think there are 14 million different things you can do on a web site that could make a difference (and you’re right). So what do you focus on to make the most difference as quickly as possible?
Simple. Focus on the characteristics of all direct response ads. As we go through each one, be thinking of what changes you can make on your web site to improve each one of these areas. And remember, one of the keys to direct response marketing is to test. You don’t have to guess perfectly every time. But as you continually test one improvement against another, you’remeasured results will continually get better and better.

Step One: Focus on getting a response

With far too many web sites, you can just look at them and know they are not capturing as many leads as possible. How? Because the web site does not even invite a response – at all. In other words, many web site owners seem to want to limit themselves to only talking to people who absolutely, positively want to buy from them right then.

"Are you ready to buy now? If not, forget it; I'm busy."
On the contrary, the web site should invite the prospect to take a small step to get more information and begin a new relationship.
The good news is that many people are using the web to research products and services. But they may be very early in their buying cycle. The problem is that if they make it to your web site and they are “just researching,” there’s no guarantee they will ever be back. Indeed, most of them won’t remember your web site at all a few days later.
Sure, some web site visitors will pick up the phone and call right then, or fill in a form, or send an email. But many of them are not ready for that step just yet. They need more information first – don’t make them leave your web site to go get it!
So your challenge is to capture their contact information (especially their email address) while they are on your web site the first time, and get permission to send them more information. Then you can (automatically) follow-up with them by email (for free), providing more information and building a relationship over time – until they are ready to buy.
This seems obvious when you think about it, so why do so many web sites blow it and not eventry to capture email addresses? Probably because they are used to traditional “branding advertising,” and they build their web site to match this model.
It’s probably worth noting that many web designers are from graphic design and traditional ad agency backgrounds. So this kind of design is what the web designers are generally used to making – a nice looking ad with a cute picture to capture attention, and a phone number at the bottom. If they’re interested, they’ll call.
You on the other hand, should work with your web designer to create a direct response model web site that focuses solely on capturing leads. If yours is an e-commerce site, some will buy right then. But in either case, more will buy after they visit the site – if you capture their information while you have the chance.
Step Two: Write a Killer Headline
In direct response marketing, the headline is always the most important part of the ad. It’s called “the ad for the ad,” because this is what gets more or fewer people to actually read your offer. In most direct response ads, 80 percent of all the people who see the headline will not even read the ad. So the headline has to be as strong as possible – and it makes all the difference. Even with tiny Google AdWords, changing the title can affect the click-thru rate by 100% or more.
Like any direct response ad (an ad that wants someone to do something), the headline on your web page is key. You want the site visitor to stop surfing, stay on your site, read about your company and take action by giving you their email address.
When you start testing things to improve response rates, the headline is a great place to start because the headline can make the biggest difference in the success of the sales letter or ad. Experienced headline writers know that merely changing the headline can affect the conversion rate of the exact same ad by several thousand percent. On an average sales letter, the best copywriters may spend fully half their time just writing and thinking about different headlines. It’s that important.
That being said, how does this relate to, say, your B2B software company’s high-tech-oriented web site. Simple; have a great headline on the home page to make people want to learn more about your product.
Once you realize how this works, you will be amazed at how many company’s web sites don’t even tell you what they do for a living on the home page, much less make you want to learn more about what they can do for you. When a prospect lands on your home page, the pretty design isn’t what captures their attention. It’s the headline. All the web sites that don’t even have one are simply wrong. Don’t make this mistake.
And don’t make the mistake of using a label instead of a headline. A headline isn’t just a “heading” that tells the name of your company, or describes your product, or (worse) says “Welcome to our web site.”
A headline is an overt benefit statement that tells your visitor what’s in it for them. And please, no platititudes, generalities or mere features. Your headline should be a statement of the unique benefits that only your company can say – your unique selling proposition.
Step Three: Write killer copy that tells your story – conveniently
Without getting into an entire book on copywriting, here are a few points to keep in mind to convert more site visitors into leads on their first visit. First, think of your web site copy as a 24/7 sales person sitting right in front of your prospect whenever they want to listen.
Like any good sales presentation, you need to talk about the prospect and the benefits of your product for her. Not about yourself, your company, or your features. They only care about their needs and how you can help them. Use the word “you” a lot, not “we.”
Take about benefits, not features.
And make it easy and convenient for them to listen to (read) your presentation. This means don’t make them click all over the place to read your sales message. It’s amazing how many web sites get the prospects right where they want them, and then make them go somewhere else after just a couple of points. And then go somewhere else. And then go somewhere else.
Stop that!
If you had a 30 minute sales presentation with a decision maker, would you stop every five minutes and say, “Well Bob, that’s a little about how we can lower your production costs twenty percent. Now let’s move into the conference room right across the hall and we’ll talk about our excellent warranty.”
After making him get up and move every five minutes, I think the prospect is likely to say, “No, I think I’ve got the picture. Thank you very much for the excellent presentation. We’ll be in touch.”
Silly, right? Then why do so many web site stop every few paragraphs and make you click somewhere else to continue?
Just like the example above, this is crazy. If the prospect is going along reading your sales message, he either likes it or he doesn’t. If he doesn’t, he’ll stop and go do something else anyway. You’re not any better by hiding the stuff he might like on another page.
And if he’s liking it, why in the world would you want to stop every couple minutes and say, “Are you still interested? Really? Ok, then are you interested enough to click over here and wait for another page to load, find the place to start reading, skim through the fluff at the beginning and start reading again? You are? Great, just click here.”
Every single time you make him stop and think about whether he really needs to hear any more your’re going to lose a certain percentage of readers. So try to do this as few times as possible.
Just so you know, there is no rule that a page can’t scroll down. In fact, it’s a lot easier on the reader to scroll down than to continually load other pages, figure out where to start reading, and jump in again.
Again, we’re not talking about using the web site to do everything for everyone. We’re talking about how to capture more leads as a percentage of all site visitors. One way to do that is to refrain from continually interrupting them in the middle of your sales presentation.
And don’t be afraid to put your message on the home page – for two reasons. One, most links to your site will point to the home page, so why make someone have to go somewhere to get your sales message? They’re already there; take advantage of that. Two, it will help with your search engine optimization. As other sites link to your home page, the more copy (and keyword search phrases) that you have on that page, the better.
Finally, if you are using pay-per-click campaign to drive traffic to your web site, then you definitely want your sales message to be on the exact page that you are driving them to. You’re paying to get them there, so have a great headline to make them start reading, a very strong first paragraph, and enough information to get your message (and become a lead) without having to click somewhere else.
Step Four: Use plenty of testimonials, and then use some more
One thing that direct response copywriters understand is the power of testimonials. When people don’t know you, and you’re trying to get them to do something, there’s nothing better than third-party endorsements to do your selling for you, increase your credibility, and make the prospect feel like they’ll be in good company by doing business with you.
So include a “Testimonials” page on your web site. But don’t make the same mistake I saw on a large software company’s web site last week. Where they were talking about the features and benefits of their product, they had a link that said “Testimonials.” It’s good that they had them, but remember Step Three, above. Don’t make them click around to see them. Put at least some of them right there on the same page so the prospect can read them and get the full effect without having to jump through another hoop.
And put some on the home page. For getting strangers to take action, showing testimonials from other customers just like them is one of the most important things you can do. Don’t hide them! At least show one or two on the home page, and then have a link to see more.
Step Five: Don’t rely on your prospects to figure out anything – use a strong call to action for everything on your site.
One of the most important things in getting a prospect to take action, whether it's to sign a contract or subscribe to an email list, is also the most important. You have to ask. Every sales person learns this in Sales 101 and it applies just as much to web site sales copy.
Likewise, people that write direct response copy for a living know the importance of the “Call to Action.” For example, you’ll never see a direct response ad that just lists the phone number at the bottom. I mean, if they’re interested, they’ll see the number and know to call right?
Copywriters who want their prospects to take action always, always, always tell them exactly what to do every step of the way. Listing your phone number (or your email address) is not enough.
Call us right now at 555-1234.
Call us 24 hours a day at 555-1234 – operators are waiting for your call right now.
The first 50 callers get a free ____. Call us right now at 555-1234.
For more information, fill out this card completely, and drop it in any mailbox.
You get the idea. But for something that’s as proven as the concept of the importance of strong calls to action, apparently few web site owners believe it. On most web sites, the best you have is a tab that says “Contact.” And you’re lucky if you don’t have to search too hard for it.
Here’s three simple rules for almost any web site:
      1. Display your contact information on every page. The top right, or the left or right-hand column is a good place. You never know when a prospect is going to get mildly interested enough to want more information. Make it easy.
      2. Make all of your contact information mini calls to action. Don’t just show your email address and think they’ll figure out what to do with it. Say, “For free information about lowering your costs twenty percent, just email us here.” Don’t even think they’ll know what to do with your phone number. Say “Call us 8-5 Pacific Time at 555-1234. After hours? Submit this form and we’ll get right back to you as soon as possible.”
      3. Always give them at least three ways to contact you – however they are most comfortable. They can call, or email, or fill out a convenient form.
Step Six: Consider your quid pro quo. If you want a lead, give something of value. Want more leads? Give more value.
A certain percentage of people that come to your site may be desperate for what you sell right now. They’ll pick up the phone and call.
That’s great, but if that’s all you get you’re missing out big time. Many people are using the Internet to research products and vendors, often in the very early stages. One of the secrets to capturing more leads online is to consider the prospects that are not red hot right now.
The whole idea is to capture their email address now, and follow-up with all of them over an extended period of time until they become hot down the road. Then, you’ll be right there to help them. But only if you captured their contact information way back when they were only mildly interested.
In order to get them to give you their email address, you have to give them something – a quid pro quo. And it’s important to think about who we’re talking about. Often, it’s prospects in the early stages of research, so what do they want? Information. Research. Knowledge. Examples include:
      • White papers
      • Free reports
      • Critical check lists
      • Quick start guides
      • Product demonstrations
      • Free trials
      • Industry surveys
Of course, you can give away other things as well. “Download our free trial and automatically enter to win:
      • An HD television
      • Free installation
      • Two free plane tickets
      • A new laptop
It could be anything. Just keep in mind that it’s better to give something if you want to get something.
Conclusion: Think like an infomercial, not a beer ad
If you work for a company that has plenty of money to burn on cute and funny ads, I’m not knocking it. The world can always use better beer commercials.
But if you need to get a return on every marketing dollar invested, there’s no better place to start than the Web. Through search engines, you can find prospects who are not only in your target market, but are actively researching what you sell.
But the key word is “researching.” They’re not always ready to buy right now. However, if you can get their contact information now, and follow-up, you will be right there when they become a hot prospect down the road. And unlike your competitors, you’ll already have developed a relationship.
In order to get in the door first, be there early and think like a direct response marketer. You’re spending a certain amount on each ad. Is it paying for itself or not?
Track everything. Test everything. And use proven direct response principles to convert as many web site visitors as possible into qualified, interested, red hot prospects.

Thanks - Brad Fallon

10 Things you must do before or as you change careers

In today’s world, individuals will change careers on average 7 times more in their lifetime, compared to only a couple of decades ago – and this rate is rising. There is more choice available to us - especially for those with talent, drive and ambition.

Currently the support that we tend to find is really limited. It’s also pretty generic – Likely sources of careers advice may be from your school, uni, recruiter, colleague, or MBA school. Otherwise there is not much support until you are really senior in an organisation – and even then, whether it is effective or not is debatable!

What results is a combination of lack of control and a cycle of movement from one unfulfilling job to another, or getting stuck at a ‘dead end’. However – do not fear – you do not need to stay in this ‘rut’. New horizons could be just around the corner..

So – you want to look for a new and the right role? This can be challenging, difficult, lonely, and sometimes stressful. You might want to consider getting someone to ‘walk the path’ with you by finding a "mentor" who is deemed to be a success in the role you are trying to end up in and help you get clear about what your options are, what you want to do and how to get there. This advice from someone who has walked the path can be hugely valuable in many ways.

Be prepared to take the first step by inviting a well respected industry professional out for a coffee. I suggest sending them an e-mail if you dont have their number or calling them personally if you do and introducing yourself and the reason for your call. Tell them that you are looking to change careers and you wanted some advice on what you may need to do. Don't be deterred if someone says they can't really help....There will be plenty more who can....

Why can a mentor work to your advantage you mat ask?
1) You will save yourself potentially years of making mistakes.
2) You may find that the person helping you, may be in a position to offer you employment
3) They may be networked with other professionals in their field who are on the lookout for new talent
4) They will give you clear guidelines about what you need to do to start being considered
5) They will give you industry "inside information" that can make you more valuable to an employer

It is even more helpful when you know that the person accompanying you has been involved in this process before on many occasions and is a real expert. So if you work with someone to help with your career change look at their work and life experience to make sure they know what they are on about!

Right – so you are ready to change careers and want to find that right role. In order to succeed bare in mind the following tips:

1. Invest in yourself
This journey is important – so give yourself time to work it all out. Make sure you have invested enough time to get your Resume up to date. Be prepared to make changes and step outside your comfort zone. Making changes means making changes :-) You will need a significant amount of thought, consideration, time and investment in order to make this change smoothly and to make it the right career change. There are many key stages and turning points to consider so take the time to do it & be prepared to act immediately on advice.

2. Get Clear
Without real clarity about what you want to do or how to get it, achieving any sense of fulfilment or being in control of your future will be very difficult. Therefore it is really important to work on getting clear about what your central goal is and how to achieve it. Make sure your vision is realistic, or you will loose interest in progressing.

3. Make an action plan
Simply knowing what you want will not ensure that you get it. You need to be clear about your plan of action and how to carry out what you have specifically designed for yourself. Get clear achievable steps in place. Outline it so that it is broken down into steps that you can work through towards that bigger goal. It like putting directions into your car GPS! How will you know that you are lost, if you don't know where you are going in the first place. Reward yourself and be proud of yourself as you get through each stage of your plan.

4. Keep your energy focused on the task
Making a change and finding the right role is not always an easy task. It can be tough, tiresome and long. You need to stay really focused and be efficient around where you put your energy and effort to get the outcome you want. Make sure that you are in control of the key elements in your world and are able to drive forward with the career and life of your choosing. You will need perseverance and determination to help. Being smart about how you spend your time is crucial. Spending all your time on Social Networks is not the answer.

5. Understand your strengths
Get to know yourself better. Identify what your key strengths are. What are you really good at? What do you enjoy that you are also good at? What skills have you learnt? What are you naturally inclined to do and be better at? Make sure that you get right to the core of it. If you aren't sure how to do this, we suggest taking a personallity profile. You can find some good ones on the internet. The more you know about yourself the more confident you will become and the better you will be at identify the right role for you and projecting yourself in order to get it.

6. Get Passionate
Without real passion for a role – it will be difficult to get. Even if you do get it – you will find it difficult to maintain and grow within and beyond it. What you want here is the right role. This means something that you are truly passionate about. It might take a bit of experimenting to find what ‘floats your boat’ – but it will be worth it when you have found it.

7. Get clear about your boundaries
Being clear about what works and what doesn’t work for you in order to be happy can be groundbreaking. It sounds simple but so many of us do not actually take the time to work it out. In each different work situation – we may have different boundaries. By being clear about what they are and then communicating this clearly to others and staying true to what is important – will make a huge difference. This impacts work and your personal settings.

8. Learn to manage relationships better
This is important from all aspects. If you learn to manage your relationships effectively you will be able to control the process and transition. You will be able to manage your exit smoothly from your current or old role. Understanding where your old boss is coming from and the impact you have on him/her – and how you interact could really influence how you leave a job. How you get your next job and keep it may also rely heavily on your ability to manage relationships well.

9. Harness your connections
Learn how to network and harness your connections effectively. This does not mean bombarding people you do not know with emails or adding everyone you can find to LinkedIn. Neither is this picking up as many business cards you can at a networking event and calling that person part of your ‘network’. Real networking is about getting to know people. You need to work on identifying and getting to know those who can help you along your way.

10. Get free from your blocks, fears and insecurities
All of us have them at one stage or another. Many of us keep them for years. However, do not let them stop you! If you are afraid – that is ok – just do not let it take over and control what you do or do not do. If something is blocking you from moving forward – take the time and action. You need to confront it, deal with it and resolve it. This does not have to be done alone. Find support from those around you. Get support from a professional if it is a deep personal issue that is troubling you. If you do not deal with it now – it will keep blocking you in different ways throughout your career and life. Once you have worked through the blocks – you will be so much more energised, comfortable, confident and free.

Those are the 10 pieces of the pie that you must do before or as you start your journey and change careers. Each step requires some work, time and thought – but they are important if you really want to make it work. There might be a lot to do – but you are not alone and you CAN do it.

Interview Tips - Behavioural Interviews

Behavioural Interviews

Prepare and take notes to the interview!
This type of interviewing technique is based on the theory that past performance is usually a strong indicator of future behaviour. 
The interviewer will ask you to describe how you handled various situations in your previous role. The emphasis is on your experience and its relevance to the position for which you are being considered.
You are painting a story board picture for the interviewers, outlining exactly how you have performed in situations. You need give them examples of your performance in a story format. If you have never been to an interview before and you are going for your first job, you can lean on experience from School or sporting teams.
Prepare yourself by identifying four or five examples that show how you faced challenges and achieved positive outcomes in your previous jobs. In each case describe a specific task that is relevant to the role in question. Rehearse your descriptions, keep them concise and expect further questioning.
It is not a bad idea to write down some examples and take them to your interview. Employers look favourably on applicants that are prepared. This is a good behavioural indicator and they can see, in a practical sense, your preparation skill working in front of them. 
Don't be afraid to read off your notes. Notice on TV when the Prime Minister or the Queen is giving a speech, he or she is usually reading off notes prepared earlier! Prepared notes also provide a guide for you to turn to if you start feeling that the interview is going a bit slack. Written examples will give you some points to cover with your interviewer. 
Some interviewers my not be as experienced as you would expect and being prepared will ensure you give the interviewer enough information to make a decision or to pass on information about you to their manager. In most cases, the initial interviewer may not be the decision maker and you want to give that person adequate information about your past behaviour so they can describe with confidence your abilities and behaviours to the decision making person in the business. 
This may set you up for a second interview with the decision maker. Remember; treat all interviewers as decision makers, including recruiters! This way you will not make any mistakes on who is calling the shots. 
Recruiters will not want to put you in front of their decision making clients if you perform poorly in front of them. It's their reputation on the line and they need you to perform at your best. Your behaviour in front of them will indicate directly your behaviour in front of their clients.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Top Five Marketing Strategies to Get Life Coaching Clients

 I will share with you the top five online marketing strategies to bring more life coaching clients to your coaching business.
Here are the online marketing strategies to help you attract more life coaching clients:
Article Marketing. Write articles on subjects that people in your target market are interested in reading about and submit them to article directories. Doing this will help you get more traffic from article directories to your coaching business. In addition, every time someone reprints your articles in their newsletter or on their web site or blog, you will get additional traffic to your life coaching web site as well.
Business Blogging. Create a blog for your coaching business and start blogging. Having a blog will help you attract more traffic to your life coaching web site. In addition, you can use your blog to get more traffic from search engines and social networking web sites.
Search Engine Optimization. People are using search engines to find life coaches. This means that as you are reading this article, your potential clients are using search engines to research a perfect life coach for them. Optimize your web pages for search engines. That way you will be able to get traffic from search engines to your coaching website.
Social Networking Web Sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. Lots of people are using social media. This means that people who have never been a part of social networking web sites in the past, are using social networking web sites now. This means that if you want to be seen by your life coaching clients, you need to become active on social networking web sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The best way to use social media is by jumping in and participating. Jump in and start connecting with people in your target market!
List Building. The best way to get results from online marketing is to start building the list for your coaching business. Make sure to invite people to join your list – that way you can connect, build relationships with them and let them know about your offerings!

Top 3 Successful Habits You Must Adopt

Do you want to be a winner in your life? If you do, this will be the perfect article that you must continue to read on. You are about to find out the top 3 winner attitude that are adopted by every successful person out there. And if you adopt the same habit, you will produce the same amazing results in your life. You can achieve any target, goal and dream that you desire.
You have to understand that success is something that you repeatedly do in your life. It is not something that will happen in an instant. You are not going to become a millionaire overnight. Thus, success is determined by the actions that you take in your life. And your actions will be determined by your habits. Therefore, if you adopt the winning habit, you will produce winner’s results…
1. The first winner habit that you must adopt is this, you must have a clear vision. Always think and focus on your vision. You have to have a clear target of what you want. If you do not have a target, how can you actually hit it? It is just like driving a car, if you do not have a destination, you will end up nowhere. Thus, find out what you want to accomplish in your life right now. Set clear and specific targets and goals in every area of your life.
2. The second winner habit is to be proactive. Think about it, money will not grow on tree and it will not fall from the sky. You have to be the one who is proactive to take action and make things happen. If you are not doing anything, you will produce nothing. So make sure you do something each day so that you will move toward your goals and your dreams everyday. Action produces results. Stop putting things off. Watching television and chatting online are not going to change your life. Do what is necessary right now.
3. The final winner habit that you must adopt here is never give up. This is a common sense, but unfortunately, most people do not have this habit. How many rejection and failure can you take before you quit? If you quit, you will waste all the effort that you have poured in before. So do not quit no matter what. Treat failure and rejection as feedback that can improve your knowledge and skill. This is how Thomas Edison became one of the best inventors in the century. He treats all failures as feedback to improve and move toward his target. You have to be the same.

10 Tips To Boost Your Creativity

Creativity is a lot like any muscle or skill. It has to be stretched and exercised in order to grow. Here are a few simple ways of exercising your creativity and that of your kids.
Ideas for exercising your creativity:
* Keep looking for new ideas – you never know where you will find them or where they might lead.
* Keep an open mind. Don’t say “It can’t be done,” “Silly,” or “Impossible.”
* Keep your goals in mind, write them down!
* Keep your mind alert and active – Pay attention to your surroundings and look for inspiration everywhere.
* Don’t always go it alone. Sharing a problem with someone else may reveal an unexpected solution.
* When your mind says “enough”, take a break and get some fresh air. A walk or other outside physical activity is a great way to take a creative break.
* When you reach a dead end, back up and try a new approach. – don’t just give up!
* Break a problem down to smaller, logical parts. How do you eat an elephant? Bite by bite.
* Write any useful ideas down when inspired and before you forget.
* In the early stages, don’t commit yourself to a single idea – brainstorm as many different solutions as you can. It doesn’t matter how unlikely or far-fetched they are.
Exercising your creativity allows you to build skills that will help throughout your entire life. Kids will find school easier and more enjoyable if they can take a creative approach to problem solving.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why Small Businesses Fail?

It is no longer news that 99% of all new business venture started all over the world fail in the first ten years. Now since the dream of every entrepreneur is to build a successful business, I have tactfully highlighted 3 major reasons why small businesses fail and how you can bulletproof your business against them. Join me as I expose these business killers:
1) Lack Of Managerial Skill: When a small business owner lacks the managerial skills required to drive the business to greater heights, the business is bound to fail. An entrepreneur that wants to succeed must be able to effectively handle the employees, cash flow, production line and so on, or better still, the business owner must be able to hire a good manager to run the business.
2) Wrong Business Decisions: This is common to everyone irrespective of your field. Sometime ago a friend of mine, after carrying out critical analysis on a particular situation came up with a decision he considered favorable. But on implementing that decision, it back fired and at the end of the day, my friend had several lawsuits dangling on his neck.
So whenever you decide on an action to be implemented on your business, consider asking friends, business partners and professionals for advice. It is going to save you the stress of cleaning up the mess resulting from wrong business decision taken.
3) Harsh Government Economic, Fiscal And Monetary Policy: Hmmmm, this is an open killer of both big and small businesses. As an entrepreneur, You must be on guard to bulletproof your business against the ever changing government fiscal and monetary policies.
Since you cannot influence or alter the government’s decisions, you must be prepared to swiftly adjust your small business to align with the government rules. This will help prevent it from being hit by the adverse effect of unfavorable government policies. Instances of such government policies and effects you must keep an eye on are tax matters, double taxation, duties and levies, inflation, exchange rates and so on.

Secrets in Business Plan Writing that You Need to Know

If everyone knew how to write a business plan that was successful, then everyone would not be working for other people and the entire world would consist of rich people who were all living out their dreams from their business ideas. A business plan should not be something which just sits in a drawer, but should rather be a detailed account and map of the plan. When it comes to the question of how to write a business plan, you may be interested to know that it does not only apply to a new business but can also apply to any business which may need growth or development.
There are a few key aspects that need to be included, these may include but are not limited to the following:
  • A summary which contains goals and objectives.
  • An economic assessment.
  • An assessment of financial elements.
  • You need to outline the specifics of your business.
  • Understand the competition.
  • Marketing the business.
  • The main requirements.
  • The potential risks involved.
If you want to learn how to write a business plan which is effective and produces results then it is imperative that you follow these guidelines. The truth of the matter is that when it comes to writing the plan, it all very much dependent upon the type of business you want to run, where you are at with the business as well as many other individual requirements.
You need to know that when it comes to learning how to write a business plan it is very important that you do a complete assessment of all the financial elements in your business. This is important due to the factor that the one main goal behind any business is to generate profit. When it comes to understanding the competition it is important for you to be able to analyze the different competitors as well as their products. It is very important that you have as much as you know about the competition written down systematically. This way you may be able to achieve more with regard to your business idea, such as finding something that you can offer that your competitors don’t.
For safety purposes it is also very important that you write down the potential business risks. This will enable you to counteract any difficulties or problems which may occur. This may also enable all members of the business such as external and internal stakeholders as well as investors to feel safe and secure in knowing exactly what the back up plans may be if something were to go wrong.

How to Start a Small Business?

Every small business has the potential to grow and expand. This is every business owners’ dream come true. Sometimes, small businesses need a sense of direction or advice from sources more experienced than them. When looking for small business tips, you can always get some from experienced entrepreneurs. These are individuals who have been in business for a long time and have managed to overcome many challenges.
Small business forums are another excellent choice when you need small business tips. You get to socialize and exchange ideas with other business owners. If you have a question, there are people willing to help and give you answers. You also get to know other individuals who are in a similar business as you are. They can give you support if your business is going through some challenges and even help you overcome them. Everyone has their own definition of small business tips. You have to learn to differentiate what can work for your business and what may not apply.
However, there are general business tips that many successful businesses have used over the years. When you are starting or already have a small business in existence, one thing that is a requirement is that you have to know yourself, your product or service and your business. Have a clear vision and direction. You have to know how to merge your strengths with your target market. Knowledge of your product or service is an assurance to the customer that you have confidence in whatever you are doing.
The mechanics of running the business should be at your fingertips. If for example all your employees were to go on strike, you have to be able to do and manage what they are employed to do. You have to know your business in and out. Keep an open mind and learn how to use technology for the advancement of your business. In addition be consistent, honest and always do exceptional work.

Ten Most Common Mistakes in Business Planning

Raising capital is hard enough as it is. Don’t make it even harder by committing any of these common business plan mistakes.
1. Financial Projections are Too Optimistic – Entrepreneurs always say they are “conservative” but you just aren’t
2. Business Plan is Too Long – Stay under 30 pages.
3. Executive Summary is Too Long- 2 pages or less
4. All Paragraph Format – Use bullet points, graphs, tables etc. Should not look like a novel.
5. Using a Generic Template – Investors want to see YOUR business plan. Using a template might make it look like some sort of canned business plan
6. Using a Consultant to Write the Entire Plan – Consultants can certainly help, but you need to write your own business plan. Who knows your business better than you?
7. Top Down Financial Projections – Don’t start from the top saying if we can get just 1% of the market… Start from the bottom and show exactly how you plan to capture 1% of the market.
8. No Focus on Cash Flow – As a startup cash flow is probably the most important single factor for the survival of your small business. Focus on it closely
9. Exponential Growth Projections – Most businesses do not grow exponentially like Silicon Valley darlings like Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare. Be realistic.
10. Poor Pricing – Price your product or service based on extensive research. Too low and you are not profitable, too high and you can’t make a single sale.