Wednesday, December 22, 2010

10 Things you must do before or as you change careers

In today’s world, individuals will change careers on average 7 times more in their lifetime, compared to only a couple of decades ago – and this rate is rising. There is more choice available to us - especially for those with talent, drive and ambition.

Currently the support that we tend to find is really limited. It’s also pretty generic – Likely sources of careers advice may be from your school, uni, recruiter, colleague, or MBA school. Otherwise there is not much support until you are really senior in an organisation – and even then, whether it is effective or not is debatable!

What results is a combination of lack of control and a cycle of movement from one unfulfilling job to another, or getting stuck at a ‘dead end’. However – do not fear – you do not need to stay in this ‘rut’. New horizons could be just around the corner..

So – you want to look for a new and the right role? This can be challenging, difficult, lonely, and sometimes stressful. You might want to consider getting someone to ‘walk the path’ with you by finding a "mentor" who is deemed to be a success in the role you are trying to end up in and help you get clear about what your options are, what you want to do and how to get there. This advice from someone who has walked the path can be hugely valuable in many ways.

Be prepared to take the first step by inviting a well respected industry professional out for a coffee. I suggest sending them an e-mail if you dont have their number or calling them personally if you do and introducing yourself and the reason for your call. Tell them that you are looking to change careers and you wanted some advice on what you may need to do. Don't be deterred if someone says they can't really help....There will be plenty more who can....

Why can a mentor work to your advantage you mat ask?
1) You will save yourself potentially years of making mistakes.
2) You may find that the person helping you, may be in a position to offer you employment
3) They may be networked with other professionals in their field who are on the lookout for new talent
4) They will give you clear guidelines about what you need to do to start being considered
5) They will give you industry "inside information" that can make you more valuable to an employer

It is even more helpful when you know that the person accompanying you has been involved in this process before on many occasions and is a real expert. So if you work with someone to help with your career change look at their work and life experience to make sure they know what they are on about!

Right – so you are ready to change careers and want to find that right role. In order to succeed bare in mind the following tips:

1. Invest in yourself
This journey is important – so give yourself time to work it all out. Make sure you have invested enough time to get your Resume up to date. Be prepared to make changes and step outside your comfort zone. Making changes means making changes :-) You will need a significant amount of thought, consideration, time and investment in order to make this change smoothly and to make it the right career change. There are many key stages and turning points to consider so take the time to do it & be prepared to act immediately on advice.

2. Get Clear
Without real clarity about what you want to do or how to get it, achieving any sense of fulfilment or being in control of your future will be very difficult. Therefore it is really important to work on getting clear about what your central goal is and how to achieve it. Make sure your vision is realistic, or you will loose interest in progressing.

3. Make an action plan
Simply knowing what you want will not ensure that you get it. You need to be clear about your plan of action and how to carry out what you have specifically designed for yourself. Get clear achievable steps in place. Outline it so that it is broken down into steps that you can work through towards that bigger goal. It like putting directions into your car GPS! How will you know that you are lost, if you don't know where you are going in the first place. Reward yourself and be proud of yourself as you get through each stage of your plan.

4. Keep your energy focused on the task
Making a change and finding the right role is not always an easy task. It can be tough, tiresome and long. You need to stay really focused and be efficient around where you put your energy and effort to get the outcome you want. Make sure that you are in control of the key elements in your world and are able to drive forward with the career and life of your choosing. You will need perseverance and determination to help. Being smart about how you spend your time is crucial. Spending all your time on Social Networks is not the answer.

5. Understand your strengths
Get to know yourself better. Identify what your key strengths are. What are you really good at? What do you enjoy that you are also good at? What skills have you learnt? What are you naturally inclined to do and be better at? Make sure that you get right to the core of it. If you aren't sure how to do this, we suggest taking a personallity profile. You can find some good ones on the internet. The more you know about yourself the more confident you will become and the better you will be at identify the right role for you and projecting yourself in order to get it.

6. Get Passionate
Without real passion for a role – it will be difficult to get. Even if you do get it – you will find it difficult to maintain and grow within and beyond it. What you want here is the right role. This means something that you are truly passionate about. It might take a bit of experimenting to find what ‘floats your boat’ – but it will be worth it when you have found it.

7. Get clear about your boundaries
Being clear about what works and what doesn’t work for you in order to be happy can be groundbreaking. It sounds simple but so many of us do not actually take the time to work it out. In each different work situation – we may have different boundaries. By being clear about what they are and then communicating this clearly to others and staying true to what is important – will make a huge difference. This impacts work and your personal settings.

8. Learn to manage relationships better
This is important from all aspects. If you learn to manage your relationships effectively you will be able to control the process and transition. You will be able to manage your exit smoothly from your current or old role. Understanding where your old boss is coming from and the impact you have on him/her – and how you interact could really influence how you leave a job. How you get your next job and keep it may also rely heavily on your ability to manage relationships well.

9. Harness your connections
Learn how to network and harness your connections effectively. This does not mean bombarding people you do not know with emails or adding everyone you can find to LinkedIn. Neither is this picking up as many business cards you can at a networking event and calling that person part of your ‘network’. Real networking is about getting to know people. You need to work on identifying and getting to know those who can help you along your way.

10. Get free from your blocks, fears and insecurities
All of us have them at one stage or another. Many of us keep them for years. However, do not let them stop you! If you are afraid – that is ok – just do not let it take over and control what you do or do not do. If something is blocking you from moving forward – take the time and action. You need to confront it, deal with it and resolve it. This does not have to be done alone. Find support from those around you. Get support from a professional if it is a deep personal issue that is troubling you. If you do not deal with it now – it will keep blocking you in different ways throughout your career and life. Once you have worked through the blocks – you will be so much more energised, comfortable, confident and free.

Those are the 10 pieces of the pie that you must do before or as you start your journey and change careers. Each step requires some work, time and thought – but they are important if you really want to make it work. There might be a lot to do – but you are not alone and you CAN do it.

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